-By Donato
One of those weeks where my head is down, heavy at work in the studio. So much of what I am creating now is not available to share given that it is for the forth coming George R.R. Martin A Song of Ice and Fire 2015 Calendar, but I can provide you all a sneak peek at my idea phase as I play around with content to consider for those images of the twelve months. George's world is so rich and varied, I wish there were thirty-six months to each year so I could fill the calendar with inspired imagery!
And as much as I am petal to the floor with projects, from book covers, advertising gigs, and private commissions, I will be making a trip this morning up to the Metropolitan Museum of Art with my daughter Cecilia to recharge those inspiration and virtuosity batteries. There is nothing like examining a Bierstadt or Rubens first hand during the morning hours, and diving into paint back in the studio in the afternoon, to put you in the proper frame of mind as an artist. This is the reason why I moved to New York City and stay here...its all about the art.
I have learned much from examining paintings up close, peering deeply to discover the underpainting and drawings, deciphering glazing and paint application, and absorbing perspective, gesture, and size issues. Being there in person really does make a difference when you are attempting to comprehend meaning and intent in paintings and works of art. Its all about communication between us and the artist.
Now go communicate...back to work all of you!
You know nothing Jon Snow! 11" x 14" Pencil and Chalk on Toned Paper |