The Forgotten's Rochelle Aytes Steps Out of her Detective Gear
Rochelle Aytes plays Detective Grace Russell in ABC’s The Forgotten. We catch up with her and talk dead bodies, awkward co-stars and sexy women.

I don't brag about it, but Alicia Keys went to my high school. I also know that Wesley Snipes attended my College for a few years.
Given your schooling, it looks like you were always heading for an acting career. Is this all you ever wanted to do?
I actually went to school for dance. I got a BFA in dance from Suny Purchase College. I transitioned into acting after a brief, yet satisfying dance career.
Favorite acting role to date?
Definitely Detective Grace Russell, my character on The Forgotten.
And anything exciting coming up?
Right now, The Forgotten is the main priority. When I get some time off I can focus on other projects.
Which acting role do you really really wish you’d got?
There have been a lot of roles that I've wanted, at the time, but looking back on it, it wasn't my time or the right one for me. That dream role hasn't come up yet.
So what is the dream role? Who would star opposite you and who would direct it?
I would love to do an action flick with Matt Damon, directed by Martin Scorsese.
Favorite fellow actor and why?
Meryl Streep. I admire her talent, skill, and her ability to adapt to any role. My goal is to have versatility and longevity in this business, which she has truly maintained.
Anything bad (or funny) you can say about any of the people you’ve shared screen-time with?

I worked on a project once with a very difficult person. One day they were nice and the next day they wouldn't talk to me. I also know that they were talking about me behind my back. It was an extremely challenging and frustrating experience, but throughout that time I tried not to feed into it. That was a real test of my character and without that experience I would have never known that I could handle something like that.
Who would you want to play you in a movie about your life?
I would find an unknown. That way the audience can only focus on the story being told.
Any non-acting career aspirations? Music? Presenting? Singing?
Any non-acting career aspirations? Music? Presenting? Singing?
I would love to sing and perform In the musical, Chicago!
Starring in The Forgotten, do you ever get grossed out by the gruesome scenes you act in?
I've been grossed out once or twice while looking at a dead body. Even though they are fake, they make them look so real!
What motto do you live your life by?
What motto do you live your life by?
Be thankful for each day, for tomorrow is not promised.
If you could have any superpower for a day, what would it be and why?
I wish I could have the power of healing. I would cure my mother's handicap and any illness our people are faced with.
Ever been on the receiving end of a brilliant, terrible or hysterical pick up line?

Yeah. A guy stops me in the street and says, "Are you ok?" I say, "Uh..yes. Why wouldn't I be?" Guy says, " Well, I was just making sure you weren't hurt when you fell from heaven".
A quick office poll found that we thought your eyes were incredible – which part of your body gets the most attention from guys?
Why, thank you! Well, I guess most guys would agree with your poll. My eyes.
And finally, who’s the sexiest woman in the world?
Salma Hayek
To view the original article visit FHM Online.
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