Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Get Him to the Greek

Tom's Corner:

Get Him to the Greek
(Nicholas Stoller, dir. 2010)

Remember This Is Spinal Tap? Remember those really broad but often pitch perfect skewerings of rock star excess and hubris? Nicholas Stoller does. He trots one out constantly in this movie. I watched the unrated cut of this movie, which added 4 WHOLE MINUTES (for fuck's sake) to the movie. I'm one thousand percent certain that those four minutes were a waste...as were the other 110.

So we've got this whiny annoying music company intern (Jonah Hill) who lives with his annoying and overbearing doctor girlfriend (Elisabeth Moss) and dreams of making it big in the music industry. At least, that what it seems he wants. We never really hear him talk about his goals and aspirations, other than getting back with the aforementioned doctor-ette, who dumped him because he didn't want to move to Seattle to follow her dreams (how dare HE have dreams, right?). One morning, he's pitching ideas with his co-workers to his boss, Sergio (Sean “Puffy, P. Diddy, whatever the fuck he's called this week” Combs) on how to save the music industry, apparently.

And Now...a word on Mr. Combs acting “ability (if you are weak of stomach, you may just wish to skip this paragraph).” The festering pox ridden asshole of a streetwalker in Kabul would impress me more as an actor. You have as much talent at acting as you do at writing original music to commemorate your dead friend. You are not funny. Your delivery sucks like a herpes ridden glory hole diving transsexual. You are as funny as finding out you have terminal rectal cancer. In short, Mr. Combs, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE never attempt to act again.

So anyway, he's to escort Aldous Snow, the asshole junkie rockstar whose last album flopped big time (Russell Brand) to L.A. from his home in England. Snow is a royal pain in the ass. He does far too many drugs and fucks around, and is generally stupid. That...fairly well sums up the whole movie. Fat guy wants junkie to stop doing drugs. So he does them to get them used up. Junkie wants drugs, makes fat guy go and get 'em. Repeat and shake, and also add some sex jokes and up the ass jokes. Oh, and the ending. Fuck that everything gets tied up in a happy knot shit. Seriously.


Goddamit. I wasted two hours on this shit. TWO FUCKING HOURS. I could've done so much more with my time.

- Tom

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