Monday, November 10, 2008

Actors - Social vs. Anti Social

Steven Soderbergh goes DIY (?)

Well...sort of.

You may remember the release of the film Full Frontal. Cool stuff. Its good to see filmmakers return to their DIY roots, even if they dont necessarily have to.

On a side note, this is also some proof that doing well as an actor goes beyond just a good performance, but also its about being present. If the basics of acting is about interaction, shouldn't human interaction be practiced and perfected? Then what's up with those anti-social actors who are so far up their own um, or should we say so deep in their own heads, that they alienate themselves in rooms full of people, or even rooms with a small group of people, whether they have a trailer on set or not??

As directors, Ryan, Brian and myself have fallen in love with people. Thats in our job description. We try consciously or unconsciously to absorb people. Listen to them. Interact with them. Joke with them. Enjoy them. Thats what inspires stories, causes people to remember you and possibly want to work with you, as well as gives you great stories as well as insight into the human condition, and the way we think that may in fact inform the character you play some day down the line.

How do you think you could possibly acheive that level of consciousness hiding behind the text-messaging features on your cell phone?

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm.

Our advice is, even though it may be a bit difficult, and your off-screen personality you may find to be rather dull at times, give it a shot. It will help you network much better, but most of all, help make you a better actor.

- Princeton

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