Saturday, April 2, 2011

Robert Rodriguez's "Machete" DVD

Tom's Corner:


(2010, Robert Rodriguez)

It's been a while, hasn't it? Well, I'm back to review the funniest comedy I've seen in a while, Machete. Did I say comedy? Wasn't this billed as a high octane action movie? Well...yes, it seemed to be. On the surface. And yes, parts of it are action movie staples. But it's like an onion: it's got layers. Come with me, explore the layers, see the comedy.

The movie begins in the film style of Grindhouse. Lines through the screen, bad special effects, the whole nine yards. It sets up the story of our hero, Machete Cortez (Danny Trejo). Isn't Danny Trejo awesome? Anything he shows up in gets a look from me. Anyway, Machete gets ambushed and left to die by Steven Seagal, who plays Torrez, but who, throughout the movie, you will remember as...Steven Seagal. You can TELL Seagal is having fun with this part, which, in its own way, skewers his past career.

Cut to three years later, and Machete is an illegal Mexican day laborer. He's hired by Booth (Jeff Fahey) to shoot and kill Senator McLaughlin (the immortal Robert DeNiro) so he won't be re-elected on his hardline anti-immigration stance. In reality, it's a plot to get the public to support McLaughlin so Torrez, who has Booth, in reality the senator's aide, in his pocket, can control a border fence to make sure only his drugs cross the border. Read it again, make sure you got it. Anyway, Machete, through clever use of the Network (run by Luz [Michelle Rodriguez]) escapes and decides it's time for revenge.

Where's the comedy? How about Padre Cortez, Machete's brother (Cheech Marin)? He gets some hilarious lines and is a priest who shoots people. Or maybe Booth's daughter, April (Lindsay Lohan)? She's a junkie whore. Later, she dons a habit and shoots people. Yes, a junkie whore turned murderous nun!

Not enough comedy for you? Anytime anything remotely sexual occurs an awesome porn riff plays. Really. What about Machete's army of lowriders? Or maybe you'll laugh at the army of Mexican day laborers who help them, armed only with rakes, shovels and other tools take on a heavily armed (with guns) militia.

I laughed my ass off watching this movie, and I think you will too. If they actually make the sequels, I will be there to see them.


Audience Reaction Track
Deleted Scenes (one features Rose McGowan)
Theatrical Trailer
Theatrical Trailer (REDBAND)
Sneak Peek

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