Monday, October 1, 2012

"Just Grate" Needs Your Help!

Our friend Wendy Keeling is a part of a new film called Just Grate that needs your help! With only a few days left until their campaign deadline, they could use your help now! Go see for yourself on their campaign page, or keep reading below. Here is Wendy's campaign video:

Wendy and company have just finished an award winning film for the 48-Hour Film Project in Nashville, TN. Just Grate is a coming-of-age story about a young girl’s brush with first love.

Be a part of something “grate” by helping them raise money to allow them to submit this film to festivals.

About this Project

7 Mile Bridge Productions, in connection with Underpaid Productions, brought together a talented group of actors, crew, and writers contributing their time to the Nashville 48-Hour Film Project. The contest is a challenge due to the limited time allowed to produce a film. They started on a Friday night at 7pm by pulling a genre out of a hat. All the teams are given a prop, character name and occupation, and a line of dialogue that must be included in the finished film. From that moment, teams have to write an original script between 4 and 7 minutes long, film it, edit it, score it, and submit it all in, you guessed it, 48 hours! All films must be turned in by 7:30pm that Sunday evening to be considered on time.

" This sounds insane! " you may say. Well, they are the creative types and crave that kind of thing.........

It is common for teams to run into problems along the way. Some will even be unable to make the deadline. They encountered several unexpected issues of their own including an internet outage at their editor’s studio to “acts of God”, that made for some interesting changes to their initial plan. Thanks to some creative thinking on the part of their editor and the Nascar driving skills of their DP they managed to get the finished film in with 15 minutes to spare.

Film making is truly a team sport and for a successful 48 hour project it is the Key element! Keeping your cool and performing under pressure with little or no sleep is just another part of the challenge. Their team brought their heart and soul to this project. All have donated their time and amazing talents before, during, and after the crazy weekend with no financial reward. Just some snacks and some good old home cooking. It is due to their hard work and dedication that they firmly believe they have produced something wonderful!

Just Grate won six awards at the Nashville screening, including Best Screenplay, Best Child Actress, and 1st Runner Up for Best Film. Now , with some additional polishing and creative editing, they are ready to share Just Grate with the public.

What They Need & What You Get

What they need:

Film Festival submission fees really start to add up! 30 dollars here 80 dollars there. Before you know it you are up to hundreds of dollars. They are looking for assistance in raising funding to cover the submissions and the travel costs to attend the festivals. The more they are able to raise the more festivals they will be able to submit to and the more likely they will be able to afford to travel to their screenings to represent the film.

They also have some fun ideas on how to get the word out to the festival goers and need additional funds to create these unique marketing tools.

The Perks for helping them:

They have some pretty cool perks to let you know how much tehy appreciate your donations!!!! Be sure to check them out!

See the perks they have offered and make your pledge here!

- Lena

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