Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Crit-Submit #4, Call for Entries!

I can hardly believe that it's been 8 months since our last Crit-Submit!

I'd say it's about darn time we did it again, don't you?

Crit-Submit #4

Call for entires now open!

Submission deadline: Saturday, May 12th, 12:01 AM EST

We've attracted a lot of new readers since the last Crit-Submit. So for those of you who are unfamiliar with the event, allow me to explain.

The Crit-Submit is a chance for our readers to submit their best piece of art for the chance to receive a very thorough critique from one (or more) of the Muddy Colors contributors. It's a rather unique opportunity to get personalized advice from a pro, helping you to push your piece to the next level. And... we promise not to make you cry. Well, not intentionally anyways.

To see what's in store for you, be sure to check out some of the previous Crit-Submits, here, here, and here.

Once again, Here are the rules:

-After a call for entries, send an email to by the specified deadline.

-That email should contain the title "Crit-Submit #4" in the subject, and nothing else.

-In your email, paste a LINK to the piece of art you would like to submit... NOT an   attachment. (If you do not have the means of hosting the art yourself, there are a lot of free hosting sites like

-Even if you are going to submit the same piece as last time, you need to re-submit it.

-The art should be between 800 - 1200 pixels on the longest side.

-All skill levels are welcome, though the art in question must look near completed, and not be a work in progress.

-Entries may be in any medium.

-Each person may submit only one piece per challenge.

-You can remain anonymous if you so choose, and do not need to include your name... we will critique the piece just the same.

-Entries received after the deadline will NOT be considered.

Good luck, guys and gals! We look forward to seeing all of your entries!

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