Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Brain is for Eating... and Sharing!

-By Dan dos Santos

As many of you know, I work from a home-studio, and keep some pretty late hours... which means my level of actual human contact is at a minimum. This makes an otherwise amazing job pretty lonely at times. So it's always an extra nice treat to have an another artist stop in for a visit.

Yesterday, my good friend and fellow illustrator, Scott Brundage, was nice enough to come hang out. We spent the evening working alongside one another, and just chatting about art. And it was super nice.

Who'd have thought chit-chatting over food, booze, and artbooks, would make for such a productive evening's work?

Aside from getting to see Scott sketch out a new composition for an upcoming piece, I also watched him paint two beautiful caricatures, from imagination, in less than half the time I spend just laying out my paints. And he did so, with a casual non-chalance that would make most craftsman a little bit jealous.

Oh this thing? That's scrap... Whatever.

I also got to sneak a peek at Scott's new book, 'A Brain is for Eating', which won't be out for a few more weeks.

A 'Brain is for Eating' is a 40 page picture book, written by Dan and Amelia Jacobs, and fully illustrated by Scott Brundage.

It is essentially, a guide to healthy eating for our zombie youth.

And it's good. Almost too good.

The story is quite cute, and seemingly geared towards children. But Scott's art manages to take each stanza, and corrupt it just believably enough, so as to make it uncomfortably close to terrifying in it's real-world implications.

No question that comes out your child's mouth will be a good one.

I tried not to linger on any page too long. Like the longer I let the scenario play out on the page in front of me, the worst the situation was going to get for these poor humans.

Spoiler alert... Humans lose.

It's quite possible I've unintentionally damaged my children in some way, only time will tell.

If something does goes wrong, I blame Scott.

And though 'A Brain is for Eating' may not be the most educational selection for our budding youth, it is undoubtedly a fantastic art book for adults. It is creepy, clever and superbly executed.

Below is a peek into Scott's process for one of the book's spreads

Preliminary pencil drawing.

Digital value study.

Watercolor painting in progress.

Completed watercolors, with page design.

You can find out more about 'A Brain is for Eating', and reserve your copy at:

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