Monday, September 14, 2009

Jen Johans Reviews Nights and Weekends

Not many people can write a review like Jen Johans. The Film Intuition writer (who not long ago wrote what may be our favorite review of Brian Ackley's Uptown), has written a very fair, in depth piece about Joe Swanberg's Nights and Weekends after its official DVD Release.

Kick your feet up. Here's some of what is another enjoyable read from her - after the jump:

"With the release of director Joe Swanberg's indecisive yet appealing Hannah Takes the Stairs which endeared mainstream audiences to the charmingly fearless talent of actress Greta Gerwig, viewers received their first taste of the "mumblecore movement" as the initial production which was granted the widest release.

And the result of the experimental Hannah being readily available at video stores and theatres near you divided and baffled audiences completely. Reactions ran the gamut and most were extreme in response to the badly dubbed "mumblecore" movement. On the negative side, there were those who found their do-it-yourself, low-budget style of filmmaking that overwhelmingly relied on naturalism and rambling conversation pretentiously loathsome and lazy. Yet in a completely different light, some indie film enthusiasts felt they were revelatory, inevitable, and inspirational descendants of flash and gimmick free character works by independent filmmaking forefathers especially John Cassavetes."

Read the full piece HERE.

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