Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tom Reviews "Hall Pass" DVD

Tom's Corner:

Hall Pass
(2011, The Farrelly Brothers, directors)

Sometimes I like to punish myself. The Farrellys haven't put out a good movie in a while, so I thought, what the hell, I'll watch “Hall Pass.” This statement proves that I am, in fact, a complete fucking idiot. Journey with me to the world of predictability and limited funny. Journey with me, if you dare, into an exploration of a Jason Sudeikis and Owen Wilson movie called “Hall Pass.”

The movie centers around two failing marriages. Why are they failing? The men (Jason Sudeikis and Owen Wilson) want their wives (Jenna Fischer and Christina Applegate) to sleep with them! Can you believe it?!?!?!?! Don't they know that stereotypical sitcom marriages (which these totally are) only involve pity sex (after the husband has been suitably chastised and asks for forgiveness from his smug wife) or Bill Cosby's hilarious facial features prior to sex? Enter Joy Behar, the world's worst couples therapist. Her solution: give the guys a week-long pass to screw around.

This, of course, is the best way to solve your problems. Also, your husband is looking at other women and this makes you mad? Welcome to real life. Men look. We do. We all know we do, and we hope you don't notice. And you know what, women look too, because men never liked Fabio or went to a movie because Brad Pitt is in it. Double standards degrade us all.

After screwing up (in not funny ways), both men are given their seven day hall passes. The women go away and take the kids with them. So, along with their mostly loser friends, the men go off to Applebee's to pick up women. Yes, Applebee's. Cause that's where the action is at (if anyone at the Applebee's corporation wants to give us money, this statement is in no way sarcastic. Give us money!). You'll note I said “mostly” loser friends. Stephen Merchant or as you'll know him should you see this movie, the British guy, is hilarious. He's the only guy I laughed at during the movie.

Anyway, the two losers try and fail to pick up women, while their wives do somewhat better, landing a golf coach and a college baseball player. Yes, Christina Applegate's character cheats on her husband, but its OK! She regrets it! And driving while regretting causes her to break her nose. That makes it perfectly fine, of course! Anyway, once we hit day six, Wilson and Sudeikis party with their friend Coakley (Richard Jenkins), who is supposed to be some sort of fertility god, but is, in actuality a creepy old man. You know the type, always hanging around clubs, trying to pick up women. Wilson's character manages to pick up a coffee house barista who, despite being half his age, is into him. After some hilarious hit and miss (including a scene with way too much male genitalia, guys, so look away) they end up together, and he turns her down. Then, of course, the couples have their inevitable tearful reunions. Did you not see that coming? No? Have you seen a movie before?

Ok, so bottom line time. “Hall Pass” is a pass. Oh I'm so witty. But seriously, see something else.


Outrageous Additional Scene

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