Tom's Corner:

(2011, Greg Mottola dir)
Did you see “Shaun of the Dead?” How about “Hot Fuzz?” Well, then, you should see “Paul.” Not only because Simon Pegg and Nick Frost star in it. But because it's actually a watchable movie. And now, onto the dog and pony show we call a review.
As I m

Paul has been the guest of the U.S. Government since 1947, and now wants nothing more than to go home. Pursuing him at the behest of the Big Guy (Sigourney Weaver, who is definitely believable as someone who hates aliens) is Agent Zoil (Jason Bateman, making his 19th movie appearance since playing Michael Bluth on “Arrested Development”). Zoil recruits two incompetent agents named O'Reilly (Joe Lo Truglio) and Haggard (Bill Hader) to help him, never revealing just what it is they are tracking.
Along the way, they run into a creationist Christian named Ruth Buggs (Kristen Wiig) and her equally religious nut father Moses Buggs (John Carroll Lynch). The boys accidentally kidnap Wiig, and her father soon gives chase.
There are a LOT of sci-fi references in the film, and a lot of tired old jokes that are made new again in the hands of some masters of comedy. This also marks the only performance by Wiig that I've ever found remotely funny or charming. In fact, very rarely do I sit through a two hour movie and not get a little bit bored or annoyed. In my opinion, a lot of comedies seem to fall back on gross-out humor and Jason Bateman lately (seriously, 19 movies in 5 years). I was contented to see that the gross-out humor was light and not too overdone, and Bateman did not play a neurotic dad. For that alone, see “Paul.”
- Tom
Special Features:
Hilarious Bloopers
The Evolution of Paul
Simon's Silly Faces
Who the Hell is Adam Starchild?
Feature Commentary
(NOTE): You can watch Paul right now (for the next 24 hours) for 4 bucks on Youtube direct. Click HERE.
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