Sunday, March 22, 2009

What Makes a Bad Director?

Here is a Vital piece from Illiterary Fiction on "Signs of a Bad Film Director."

"Every movie director will have a specialty. Some directors pay more attention to the performances, some to production design, some put all the emphasis on the camera work. No matter what the differences may be amongst film directors, the one thing that will ultimately lead to their downfall is lack of people skills. Nothing is more indicative of the possibility of a filmmaker failing in the future as not knowing how to treat people.

Yelling, Poor Manners

Raising your voice without even knowing it and without provocation is a good way to alienate people. It is one thing if you scream rarely when the pressure is really high and time is running out, but to do it as a habit is not good. Interrupting people's conversations because you need to ask them something trivial right now is a great way to make people hate you, expecting to be treated like royalty is a great way to get people to pee in your coffee. Treat people the way you would if they could punch you in the face and you will probably be ok.

Withholding Praise

When people do a good job, they do not necessarily know it. If you see someone going above and beyond and impressing you, give them genuine compliments. There is a school of thought that praising people will make them work less hard, but many management theorists and I have not found this to be the case. Once people get some praise, they will want more. This encourages even better performance in order to get more praise. To get the best of your cast and crew: be hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise."

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