Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Advice for Actors to Save Money During Recession

Backstage Magazine has some advice for actors to save money during the recession. They list 10. Here are a couple, after the jump:

1. Use social networking websites to promote yourself or your project.

You could spend money creating a website of your own, but really, why? If you want to promote a play you're in or show off your headshots and reel, social networking sites like Facebook accomplish it beautifully. They're simple to use and free. And use Twitter to remind people that you have a show this Friday night. It's instantaneous promotion.

2. Use a good tax preparer.

I'm all for taking advantage of the free tax advice offered by the wonderful people at the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program (available through SAG and Equity). But they don't have the time to work closely with you to save you money. And I say this having worked with VITA and with private tax preparers over the years. More important, in the event of an audit, a private tax preparer can accompany you and help prepare your case. That kind of help is beyond the scope of VITA.

Read the rest of this list HERE.

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