Friday, February 19, 2010

Tom Reviews "Give Em Hell Malone"

Tom's Corner:

Give 'Em Hell Malone (2009, Russell Mulcahy, dir.)

As the DVD case says, “His name is Malone, and he's one tough dick.” Detective, they mean, but yeah the other meaning applies too. Tom Jane plays the singularly named Malone, a detective in a nameless city with not too much of a police force. Malone is a violent, hard drinking and near impossible to kill juggernaut. But what else should we expect from the man who brought us violence, mayhem and horror like Highlander II, Resident Evil Extinction, and four Billy Joel videos?

Malone is hired to retrieve a briefcase by a beautiful client, but things aren't as they seem. A crime lord named Whitmore (Gregory Harrison) wants the case too, and he has some agents at his disposal to get it. Boulder (Ving Rhames), Matchstick (Doug Hutchison), and Mauler (Chris Yen) are all willing to do anything to get the case. Boulder's somewhat normal as thugs go, but the other two are as disturbing as they are entertaining. Not going to give away much of the plot, but the movie does end on a cliffhanger....

Wow, was this movie violent. If you are turned off by graphic violence including shooting, stabbing, arson, immolation, defenestration, battery, assault, razor play, and other assorted nasty doings, this is not the movie for you. If you like all of this stuff, seek help! But if you want a movie that I'd describe as Shoot 'Em Up with more of a plot, give Malone a chance.

- Tom Trombley

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