Saturday, February 13, 2010

Uncovered Films Interviews Jace Nicole

Matthew Watts from Uncovered Films conducted an interview with Jace Nicole, after his great review of Cookies & Cream, in which she is the lead. As usual, Jace is a firecracker, an honest, passionate, no holds barred interview subject who opens up about not only her character in the film, but also some of the drama that went on behind the scenes of making it. Here is some of it below:

UF: Were there any notable scenes cut from the film, or was the shoot fairly straightforward, with no room/time to make changes?

JACE: "Well, no, there were no scenes cut from the film, and the shoot was pretty straightforward, but I will tell you something a lot of people aren't aware of. Cookies and Cream ended up being a movie that was totally re-shot. We had an incident of a gentleman by the name of R.J. Harper who was helping with shooting at one point. He seemed pretty cool, and business minded, but he had another agenda planned. Princeton ended up seeing he was a snake, and called him out on it. He got angry and stormed off set with all the footage we shot. Needless to say, we never got the footage back. He held it hostage. So Princeton got a better, stronger, crew together and we re-shot Cookies and Cream. And actually, it turned out better than the first time we shot. Not to mention we didn't have to deal with R.J.'s shady behind anymore."

Read the full interview HERE.

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