Monday, January 31, 2011

"Make Out With Violence" DVD

Tom's Corner:

Make-Out With Violence
(The Deagol Brothers 2008)

Well, it's been nearly a month since I've written a review. I'd like to say that this is due to an amazing series of incidents involving time-travel, explosions and a swashbuckling adventure, but really, it's due to snow. If you live in the northeast, you know what I mean. Also my car died, and that was an ordeal. But you don't come here to hear my problems, you come here for film reviews and pie (we're out of pie, by the way...sorry). So here's a review of the Deagol Brothers first film, “Make-Out With Violence.”

I will just say that I loved this movie. It was well shot, tightly edited and the actors gave stellar performances. Narrator and the youngest person in the movie, Brett Miller plays Beetle, the youngest of the three Darling brothers. Co-writers Eric Lehning and Patrick DeVos play Patrick and Carol Darling, twin brothers who live with Beetle and their father, who is largely absent. Leah High plays their friend Addy, who Carol has unrequited feelings for. Tia Shearer plays Anne Haran, who pines for Carol. Jordan Lehning is Rody, the best friend and “coolest guy they knew.” And then, there's Wendy (Shellie Marie Shartzer). Wendy disappears before the movie's start, and her funeral is an important part of the opening. Seen mostly in flashbacks, Wendy is the person who leaves a hole in the lives of all her friends, especially Patrick, who has strong feelings for her.

After the funeral, Beetle and Carol go out to a field to look for cicadas...and find Wendy, strung between two trees and seemingly dead. She's actually some bizarre form of zombie, who only moves sometimes (otherwise appearing as a full-on corpse) but has a hunger for living flesh all the same.

The boys take her home, and later, after filling in Patrick, take her to Rody's, since he has left for the summer. This is where things take a turn for the creepy. Anne Haran is hitting on Carol, and Carol wants nothing to do with it (their “date” is hilarious). Carol wants Addy, but she wants Brian (Josh Duensing), Wendy's boyfriend, but he's distraught over his loss. Patrick, meanwhile, wants alone time with Wendy, which gives Carol the creeps, so he decides to employ Beetle to spy on him. Patrick needs Carol to be busy and out of the way, so he gives him a list of ways to get Addy to like him. Everything culminates the night of a house party, when secrets begin to bubble to the surface.

If you're a fan of zombie horror, this is not your movie. If you like coming of age movies, you may be into this. I am not 100% sure just what I make of it, but I did enjoy watching it, and if you give it a chance, you may too.

- Tom


Deleted and Extended Scenes
Deleted Score
Behind the Scenes
“My Saturday is now ruined” featurette
Radio Spots
Soundtrack Performance Videos
Booklet with Essays (and a wonderful cover that is reminiscent of Daniel Clowes)

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