Friday, August 14, 2009

Meeting Mr. Smith

Our friend, our collaborator, our producer/casting director and celebrity acting coach Tracey Moore is also heavily involved in an engaging, wonderful new documentary called Meeting Mr. Smith.

Inspired by a television interview, a struggling New York filmmaker embarks on a mission to meet with superstar actor, Will Smith to prove to himself and the world what's possible.

One day, after almost a decade of scraping by as an independent filmmaker, Brian Evans had reached the end of his rope emotionally, spiritually and financially. He turned on the television to see Will Smith discussing, among other things, what it takes to be a success. Will spoke of the power that comes to us if we just DECIDE; just make a definitive choice, and the universe moves out of your way. That interview had a huge impact on Evans. He decided that the best way to test Will’s theory would be to choose a task that seemed impossible and simply DECIDE to achieve it. So, with absolutely no money and no resources except a borrowed camera, and the help of his good friend and production partner Matt Smith, Brian Evans decided to do the impossible – to begin this documentary, and complete the task of Meeting Mr. Smith. Here is the trailer:

Stay tuned as we continue to track this film's progress.

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