Thursday, August 20, 2009

Scene Magazine's Bob Ignizio Reviews Uptown

Bob Ignizio, a freelance writer for Cleveland's 'Scene' Magazine and occasionally other publications, reviewed Uptown. It was roughly 3 weeks ago, but we didnt receive a notice that one was written and therefore found it randomly. Nonetheless, a cool word or two about the film after the jump:

"Ben (Chris Riquinha) and Isabel (Melissa Hampton) are two young New Yorkers out on their first date after having met online via Myspace. The two hit it off over dinner, but afterwards Ben learns that Isabel is married (her profile made no mention of a husband), and Isabel learns Ben is single (he listed himself as married on the site as a joke about how bad he is in relationships). Despite the awkwardness, the two clearly have chemistry and continue to see each other as “just friends”, but can that really work out?

Director Brian Ackley, who co-wrote the movie with his two stars (I’m guessing because they improved enough of their performances to deserve a writing credit) has crafted a believable film about modern relationships. The thing I like most about this film is that it’s no cookie-cutter Hollywood romance. The problems that arise from Ben and Isabel’s relationship aren’t the typical romance film obstacles we’re used to seeing, and although we don’t see much of Isabel’s husband, he isn’t the stereotypical jack-ass “other guy” that makes it easy to root for Ben to steal the girl away.

The film is shot well, and the two lead performances are exceptional. It’s obvious these two actors really knew their characters inside and out, and they play their roles with depth and believability. The biggest problem with the film is in the editing and pacing. Some scenes just go on too long, simply trailing off after they’ve already accomplished what was necessary. So even though Uptown is only 75 minutes, it feels considerably longer. Despite those flaws, I think if you’re in the mood for a realistic film about modern relationships and can get past the slow spots, you’ll probably like Uptown. 2 ½ out of 4."

- Bob Ignizio

More info on the DVD and screenings HERE.

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