Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Journey of an Actress - part 1

Here is an awesome piece of writing by our good friend Naama Kates, who played "Jodie" in Cookies & Cream. Rogue Cinema has included it in what will be several follow up articles on Kates that will feature her fantastic writing, as well as her story of becoming an actress, as well as trying to stay one. After the jump, here is some of it below:

"It's September 14th, 7:30 a.m, and the first morning I've woken up chilly, with a sort of a crisp breeze through the window and a grayish sky and air that smells like home. But I know when I look outside I won't see any golden leaves, or smell them rotting, or feel them wet on the ground, coloring lawns or city sidewalks. No. I'll see palm trees. And in a couple of hours it'll warm up and the haze will clear and the sky will be blue. It's funny... They're not even native to Los Angeles. The palm trees I mean.

I've lived in Los Angeles for almost a year now, and it's simultaneously hard and real easy to complain. The weather is beautiful, it's slightly cheaper than New York, there is more work for us here-- though, boy, as I write it for the umpteenth time, boooyyy has this year been slow. I miss everyone and everything, like subways and the taxis and the bar where I worked, and all that I was so happy to leave. And I miss Los Angeles too, as it was, as the place that glittered in my dreams, as the fantasy. I'm looking out my window at those palm trees and the low rooftops, and I think, I'm really here. I really did this."

Read the rest of Naama's piece HERE.

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